Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm not ashamed to admit....

That I am perhaps the girliest person I know! If make up is my bread and butter then hair products/tools are the wine that goes with! I was never one of those kids that wanted to get dirty. In fact, I hated being outside in general. I loved fixing my hair and couldn't wait to start wearing makeup. I remember when my mom first let me use eye makeup. It was in 8th grade and she insisted that if I was to wear it, then I was going to learn how to do it right. So we had a Mary Kay party. She bought me the full array of products they gave me to use. And my addiction began. From that day on, seldom a day goes by that mascara, eyeliner and shadow aren't present on my face. It's not a chore for me, like it is to some. It's like brushing your teeth...or having coffee in the morning. It's just something that I need to start my day. Doing my hair goes along with it. You can't just do one and not the other...thats a sin against beauty regimens everywhere! I always swore that I was not going to be one of those moms who just quit taking pride in their appearance after they have kids. My other mommy friends laugh at me, they don't understand the need to put on my face before I run errands. The desire to look at least decent (by my own standards, which I'll admit are incredibly higher than most) every day. I just smile and tell them that it's just me. I'm addicted. And like any good addict.....I have no interest in quitting!! You can keep your extra minutes of sleep....I'll be the one with the fresh, perfectly blended face and fluffy, shiny hair!!!