Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Non-Resolution Resolution

For as far back as I can remember (that's really not as long ago as it sounds, we're talking high school years) I have made the same resolution for New Years. You can guess how successful I was in keeping to that resolution seeing as I kept making it year after year...after year!
This year however, I'm resolving NOT to resolve to do anything...kinda. This past year has been rough. To be frank, it sucked. Well partially anyway. I started off the year in a great place, or so I thought. I was in a relationship with a guy I loved more than words could describe. It was something that I'd wanted for so long that I think when it finally happened I completely ignored any misgivings I had about getting involved with this person and just dove in head first. It wasn't what I thought it would be. Some parts were better, some parts were less than that. He was my best friend though and I was convinced that I would be ending this year with a ring on my finger.
My empty ring finger speaks volumes of how intuitive I can be.
But what do you do? Well, if you're me you fall shamefully apart and then pick yourself up and move on. I learned that I had a lot of work to do, most of it on myself. I stepped out of my comfort zone and into a new church where I've found more than I could've ever imagined I'd find in a movie theater. I joined a bible study and I'm now a part of a group of 25 strong Christians who encourage, support and love one another. How many people can say they have 25 people standing behind them???
I've learned what real blessings are and I've seen where God is working in my life and for those 2 things alone I am completely grateful. So this year, instead of vowing to lose weight or get out of debt or do some other materialistic and unneccessary thing, I've decide that I'm only going to set 2 goals for myself: In 2011 I'm going to be happy and I'm going to make a difference.
And I'm not resolving to do either, I'm just going to do my best and see where that takes me :)